DSJ posed the following dilemma: Was going to do a guide on Vail, but the only thing we could find extreme about the place was the snobs and ski bunnies…”
Editorial reply by W.T.Evans  (Home Mountain – Brandywine / Flatville, OH)
It’s true they are present…  An unintended consequence (or benefit) of the insane costs associated with the pilgrimage to Mecca is the absence of real skiers – per capita.  The stashes stay stashed longer because the South American drug lords, super models, and royal family members ski groomers and they do that at the wrong time of day and in the wrong spots… 
All the hippies live elsewhere.  Even the resort managers (low level on-site types) live in Leadville… There are no “locals” at vail any longer…
Vail is a study and if you attempted to highlight its secrets in print I would likely launch a cyber attack on DSJ headquarters…
I will only ski it now when its pure (weekday – fresh snow).  When that happens however…  It’s “like no place on earth”…
Perhaps one day (if you promise not to write it up) I can take you on the “Tour  de Vail”…  It’s a tasty menu of all that is perfect in the world of resort skiing in the I-70 corridor…
My guide services are free but your walk up will be $129 and your bowl of green chili at Two Elk and a water will be another twenty spot…  It’s OUTRAGEOUS!!! 
I hate them that its still worth it!…